Q: Is it smaller than a breadbox?
A: And bigger than a yeast cell!
You won't need all 20 questions to discover what samples NMT can measure! With our technology, the sky's the limit on measurable live samples.
This list of 20 measured NMT samples covers examples of plants, animals, and microorganisms, which range in size from organelle to single cell, cell groups, tissue, and even whole organisms.
Our NMT flux sensors can be seen in each picture below, measuring the dynamic flux of ions like potassium, calcium, and sodium, and molecules like oxygen.
1. Vacuoles 2. Chloroplasts 3. Algae
4. Yeast 5. Single neurons 6. Mesophyll cells
7. Oocyte: These two flux sensors are measuring the flux of two different ions simultaneously.
8. Guard cell 9. Salt gland cell 10. Pollen tube
11. Root hair 12. Medaka fish egg/embryo 13. Stem xylem
14. Roots: Our #1 most popular measured sample! Now that we are getting into the bigger sizes, note that NMT can measure in situ, so you can choose to measure different zones of your sample.
15. Spinal Cord
16. Brain slice.
17. Tumor tissue
20. Crayfish: Just last week, our lab measured cadmium ion flux in live crayfish!
There are many more as well! I hope this gave you an idea of the amazing possibilities of NMT. What samples do you work with in your lab? Contact Us to learn about applications for NMT in your field.
Check Out More Applications NMT's most popular field is currently plant physiology, but creative scientists are applying it to new fields every day, like diabetes and cancer research. Now, labs using NMT systems have published over 700 papers in top journals! Our clients' top feedback is that the their high-quality results help them get published, thanks to the non-invasive nature of our technology, which allows them to measure live, physiologically accurate samples.
Experience the NMT Physiolyzer® Our most advanced NMT system yet: This highly advanced instrument is allowing scientists to discover physiological functions of live samples in innovative new ways. With customizable software, you can choose from 12 ions and molecules for your own personalized system.
The Theory of NMT Check out the principles of how NMT works.