Life is Environment


Life is Environment

--- NMT interpretation and historical opportunities of "the unity of nature and man".

Yue (Jeff) Xu

NMT (Non-invasive Micro-test Technology) is a technology that helps people obtain dynamic spatiotemporal information of ions and molecules entering andleavingobjects.From the point of view that ions and molecules are the elementary particles that make up all things in theuniverse, life and non-lifeindividuals and their external environment are composed of ions and molecules.It isthennaturallymaking people think of the Chinese philosophical concept of "the unity of nature and man". Namely, man (life) and nature (environment) are an inseparableentity, and life and environmentshall coexistin harmony and unity.


Therefore, "Life is Environment" reveals thenature of life, and is an evolution and practice of "the unity of nature and man".


Throughout history, "the unity of nature and man" is an attitude toward lifeand world view that almost every Chinese is born with, a kind ofrecognition and control of all things in the universe, human society and their own lives, it is also a simple scientific methodology of Chinese, and it is thefundamentalsfor understanding, interpreting and responding to natural phenomena and challenges.


However, there is along-lastingconfusion inalmost everyChinese mindhearts, that is, such abrilliant philosophical thought and a treasure of Chinese civilizationwhichhas led the world for thousands of years, has not been able to lead the Chinesepeople to standin the forefront of the development of natural science in the world, and iscertainly not good enough to support the scientific and technological strength that can at least not be invaded and humiliated by other powerful nations.


To learn from other civilizations. The apple that fell on Newton's head not only‘discovered’the law of gravitation, but alsoled to the development ofthe first, second, and third cosmic velocities that have important applications in today's spaceflight. Watt, as another example, inspired by water vapor,inventedthe steam engine that brought humanity into the age of industrialization. Oneexplanationfor this is that they have not easily given up the in-depth exploration of the mechanisms behindthose natural‘accidents’, and have scientifically qualitatively and quantitatively described these mechanisms through data accumulation.


Here, the concept of "Lifeis Environment" aims to use ions and molecules as a medium to furtherexplore and elucidate the relevant mechanisms of information exchange and energy conversion between life and the environmenttoprovide solid and objective scientific data support for further revealing the nature of life.


Looking back on the development of NMT for decades, from the dispensable technologyto put cherries on the cake of biological experiments, to the indispensable technology for physiological function verificationof most live sample tests, and then to the mainstream technology that reveals thetrue natureof life today.


Onone hand, it proves that the development of NMT technology isconsistentwith the trend of the development ofresearch in life sciences in the world, and on the other hand, it provides modern scientific experimental evidence for verifying the Chinese philosophical idea of "the unity of nature and man",while provides solid and useful scientific data for practical applications.


We are fortunate, once in a life time, to enjoy the historical opportunity of Chinesenational rejuvenation brought about by the "great changes in a century", and "Life is Environment" embodies the hard work and wisdom of thousands of NMTactivists around the world for more than 20 years. A few world-leading "imOmics NMT Systems" will soon be setup and runningin Chinese scientific research institutions. To borrow a phrase from an Internet celebrity that wehave always been proud of our wiseChinese ancestors, and now is the time for them to be proud of our generation!


doi: 10.5281/zenodo.12602417



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